In two vast countries where poverty is rife and there is widespread lack of access to clean water and medical facilities, the threat of COVID-19 is very real. How do we help to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our partner diocese in Mozambique & Angola?
Community Health Teams
In this time of crisis as COVID-19 is spreading into rural Mozambique & Angola, education & correct health messaging will save lives. The churches in the Dioceses of Nampula & Niassa, Mozambique have trusted community health teams who now are working as part of the National Response Network.
The Diocese of Nampula in northern Mozambique’s community development teams are now part of the National Response Network. They are training leaders to visit 98 communities to educate families on correct information to deal with COVID-19. The teams are also giving assistance to the most vulnerable families in the form of soap, food and seeds.
The Diocese of Niassa has been training community workers and church leaders and in partnership with others has been disseminating effective literature to communities and families in local languages.
Education is vital
MANNA is also working in partnership with other NGO’s and mission agencies on the ground to deliver this essential work. Please support us now as this work is vital and time dependent. In Mozambique & Angola where there is a huge lack of access to adequate medical assistance, education on preventing Covid-19 with clear correct messaging is vital.
Education & correct health messaging will save lives.
Please support us and give now.