Diocese of Lebombo clergy
Diocese of Lebombo
The Diocese of Lebombo is divided into 6 ecclesiastical districts; Pungue, Inhambane, Maciene, Limpopo, Maputo and Umbeluze. It has one Bishop and 42 full-time clergy and 16 non stipendiary clergy.
- Diocesan Office: CP 120, Maputo, Mozambique
- Bishop: The Rt. Rev. Carlos Simão Matsinhe
- Diocesan Secretary: Fr Sergio Bambo
- Rector of the Seminary: Rev. Jose Chamuce Nhacumbe
Maputo District
- Archdeacon of Maputo Ven. Rogerio Simone
- St. Stephen & St Lawrence, Maputo Rev. Benedito Mahumane
- Epiphany, Tlhabane Rev. Ismael Nhabinde
- St. Cyprian, Chamanculo Rev. Silva Aurelio Mazive
- St. Barnabas, Bagamoyo Rev. Juan Ramirez Rubio, Deacon Mercio Celestino Langa
- Good Samaritan, Zimpeto Rev. Antonio Aida Nhaca
- St. Mary, Matutuine Rev. Crisaldo Juvenal C Langa
- Holy Family, Boquisso Rev. Mateus Beca Campira
- St. James, Choupal Rev. Amilcar Paulo Jotamo, Rev. Luis Silvestre Zandamela
- Congregation of Massingir Rev. Paul Antonio Nhatumbo
- St Benedict, Malhangalene Rev. Tomas Zandamela
- St Monica, Mahlazine Rev. Felix Macane
Umbeluzi District
- Archdeacon & St Mark’s, Matola Ven. Machado Sansao Nhapule
- Congregation of St. Andrew, Namaacha Rev. José Júlio Manjate
- St. Stephen, Matola Rev. Sergio Bambo
- Blessed Virgin Mary, Trevo Rev. Manuel Bassopa
Limpopo District
- Archdeacon & St Andrew, Hókwè Ven. Xavier David Muaga
- St. Peter, Chókwè Rev Manuel Jose Fole
- Congregation of the Good Samaritan, Massingir Rev. Gregório Macie
- St. Mary & St Marta, Macia Rev. Elias Geraldo Novele
Maciene District
- Archdeacon of Maciene & St Saviours, Xai-Xai Ven. Jossias Solomone Sengulane
- St. Peter and St. Paul, Nhampfunwine Rev. Carlito Daniel Mussambaule
- St Luke’s, Chilumbela Rev. Isaias Sele
- All Saints, Nhamavila Rev. Alfredo Pascoal Nhabetse
- St Michael Archangel, Nhancutse Rev. Gregorio Justino P Macie
- St Paul’s, Chiduque Rev. João Ninguete Langa
- St. John the Baptist, Buquene Rev. Armando Miguel
- St Augustine’s Cathedral, Maciene Rev. Judas Chano Moda, Rev Joao Cruz Cumbe
- St. John Mark, Manganhelene Rev. Tomás Alberto Chiponde
Inhambane District
- Archdeacon of Inhambane Ven. Agostinho Roberto Buque
- All Saints, Chalambe Rev. Micaias Evas Caessa
- St Michael-Maguaneni, Chambone Rev. Aurélio Simão Uqueio
- St. Monica, Homoíne Rev. Emmanuel Boaventura Capeta
- St Andrew, Liguirine Rev. Alberto Daniel
Púnguè District
- Archdeacon Ven. Paulo Hansine
- St. Jorge, Beira Deacon Paulo Joaquim
- St. Bernard Mizeki, Chimoio Rev. Domingos Tole Chipuazo
- Epiphany, Tete Rev. Miguel Mário Simbe
- Epiphany, Sena Deacon Celso Domingos
- Congregation of Caia Rev. Joao Francisco Camanguira
- All Saints, Nhamatanda Rev. Araujo Manuel Caetano
- St. Mary, Zove Rev. Francisco Manave
- St Andrews, Muxungue Jacinto Antonio Cumbe
- Congregation of Gondola, Chimoio Deacon Francisco Charles
- Ministry to Aged Rev Manuel Fernando Cumbe