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Trauma Support Project Lent 2023 Appeal

This year, MANNA is partnering with the Diocese of London and ALMA to raise money to train leaders in northern Mozambique who can provide pastoral care and support for those with trauma, like Veronica below. 

You can listen to the rest of Veronica’s story and Amelia’s story here:

What has happened?

Over a million people have been internally displaced in Cabo Delgado, northern Mozambique since 2017 because of the violent insurgency. These internally displaced people (IDP’s) are living in camps, communities, with relatives and friends. This has put a huge strain on these local areas which are already struggling with food security and the aftermath of cyclones and lack of opportunities, education and healthcare. The Anglican Diocese of Nampula has been working with communities in this area for many years and therefore since the violence, has been responding to the IDP crisis with food support, clean water provision and agricultural training. 

What will the Lent appeal project do?

At the end of 2022, groups from Diocese of London, ALMA and MANNA together with the Archbishop of Canterbury visited northern Mozambique to hear the stories of those affected and visit the work that the Diocese has been doing. They discovered that there is a great need for trauma support work to support their existing work amongst IDP’s. Many IDP’s have experienced great trauma – watching children being killed, fleeing violence, living for days in the bush without food and water. They are often unable to cope with daily life which puts even more strain on local families. All local organisations agreed there is great need for a trauma project but no funding. 

This Lent appeal aims to raise funds to train trauma support workers and begin to ‘heal the memories’ of the atrocities they have witnessed. It is hoped that people like Veronica and Amelia will benefit from this project and will begin to discover Hope for their futures. 

Can you support Veronica and Amelia and
raise funds for this vital work?

You can download resources to support your Lent appeal by going to the London Diocesan webpage here.

Or you can give to the appeal by clicking on the donate button below. ⬇️

Or you can download more information by clicking here.