The Mustard Seed Fund@MANNA
A Fund for the Anglican Dioceses of Mozambique & Angola for income generating projects
The first grant from the Mustard Seed Fund is supporting a new Chicken Farming and egg production business based at the Missionary Diocese of Nampula, Mozambique. This new fund exists to encourage the Anglican Dioceses in Mozambique & Angola to consider the issue of sustainability for their dioceses and the departments/groups within it and how to generate income from seed funding and grow their group/diocese from this money.
The business, begun at the beginning of 2020, focuses on meat production and egg production and they will be supported by Novos Horizontes who already successfully run chicken farms and have the expertise to train and mentor the Diocese. Initially they will hope to establish an egg production facility of 100 laying hens. In addition they will purchase 1,000 chicks to raise and sell onto local people. The longer term goal is to have 5,000 birds for the meat trade and 100 laying hens. The further expansion of the business will be funded by from profits from the project.
This project, if successful, can be replicated in other local rural parishes to support the growth of the churches and their community projects and give ownership and sustainability to these communities.
The Anglican Missionary Diocese of Nampula is a new young Diocese that begun earlier this year after amazing church growth in that area. The Diocese has extensive community development work and has been very active in emergency and long-term recovery work post Cyclone Kenneth. It’s vital that these churches and dioceses have the possibility to become self-sustaining and this first project from the Mustard Seed fund gives the Diocese of Nampula hope of this for the future.
The Mustard Seed fund was set up in memory of the late Kate Bishop who loved Mozambique. Her giving is continuing to enable others to thrive. We thank God for her example.